At The Ready

Monday, August 12, 2013

Who's Birthday is it?

Every family has stories.  Some are true and some are Urban Legend.  Today I will focus on my own personal Urban Legend.

When I was growing up, in the back dark corner of my parents closet sat a small locked grey metal box.  In this box were all the important papers.  I knew that because I had heard my parents discuss the fact that in the case of fire the metal box with the papers was to be carried out of the house.

I had watched them unlock the box and retrieve documents and re-lock the box and place it back in its place in the closet.  I was fascinated with that box.  It held secrets that I longed to look at and hold in my hands.  At some point for almost as long as I have memory, I believed that in that box were my adoption papers!

I knew I was adopted, even though if you look at photos and my birth certificate you know that I am not.  I am the blood child of my parents.  Please do not confuse me with the facts, I know that I am adopted!

My parents have been busy having old home movies digitalized.  So many memories!  One or two events are fairly consistent.  Christmas celebrations are big and so are birthdays.  And there my friends is the rub.  There are NO videos of my birthday.
Joe's Birthday

Helen's Birthday

Each time I get my email with the new batch of videos I eagerly look for my birthday celebration.  Today's batch almost had me faked out.  There I was and there was the cake and then Dad panned the celebration.  It was NOT my birthday.  Being the mature adult that I am, I called them to ask, "Is it because I am adopted?"  Laughter on the other end of the phone.  They were expecting my call.  Neither of them have an explanation of why my birthdays are absent.

It really doesn't matter.  What is in the video is a rare glimpse into young parents, my parents doing very loving things with not only me but my siblings and family and friends.  Even though there is no audio I can hear with the ear of my heart..."Do you like it?"
"Yes, Mommy! It just what I wanted."
"Do you like your gift, Daddy?"
"Yes, Cindy it is just what I wanted."

Hands reach out to help cut a birthday cake, to open a gift,  to hand a cake plate, to read a card, etc

There really is no need for a video of my birthday.  I can see it all with eyes of my heart.
"Now blow out the candles and make a wish...."


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